How to use the PAHF KB

PAHFKB consists of seven pages: ‘Home’, ‘Contact Us’, and ‘Help’ pages give a general introduction to the PAHFKB, including basic information, a data portal summary, links to related guidelines, a user’s manual, as well as the contact information of principal investigator; ‘PAHF Libraries’, ‘Exercise Risk Assessment’, ‘Physical Activity Recommendation Tool', and 'Analysis Tools' pages provide data browser, search engine, exercise prescription recommendation tools, and visualization analysis tools

PAHF Libraries

PAHF libraries provides users a multifunctional search engine including keywords retrieve, dataset download, and detailed browser functions. By inputting keywords in the search box, users will get matched results from the database with matched parts highlighted. Then, by clicking the download button in the right-side toolbar, users are allowed to save the results in multiple formats: JASON, XML, CSV, TXT, SQL, and MS-Excel. Card and full-screen views, customizable columns choices are also available in the toolbar for users to adjust the dataset table flexibly. The detail button, also provides users more details about specific PAHF items, such as the original data and study information.

Exercise Risk Assessment

Health screening before exercise is crucial to avoid adverse events, especially for patients and individuals with CVD risk factors. Hence, according to the American College of Sports Medicine’s (ACSM) guideline, PAHFKB provides the exercise risk assessment tools that consist of two basic self-screening questionnaires: the physical activity level assessment questionnaire (PAL-Q) and the physical activity readiness questionnaire (PAR-Q). Firstly, the PAL-Q informs users of optimal exercise intensity based on their daily exercise activity. Then PAR-Q assesses the exercise risk based on individuals’ medical history to determine whether they need medical clearance before initiating exercise.

Physical Activity Recommendation Tool

The PA recommendation tool is a knowledge-based system, it consists of two parts: the user interaction module and the PA recommendations results module. Firstly, users are required to answer the questions in the first module. Then according to the answers and results queried from the knowledge base, this system will generate the next question until optimal PA recommendations are matched.

Analysis Tools

Analysis tools assist users to analyze PAHF data in five types: publication years, country distribution, classification of risk factors and outcomes, and the data flow between outcomes and PA FITT. Take the publication years analysis as an example, firstly, users are required to select data to analyze. Then click the ‘Run’ button to generate and visualize the results.